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DOPP TRADE CZ s.r.o. has at its disposal facilities for production and assembly of principal parts of components. The production of other parts, including their surface finish, is made by outside companies. The final assembly of components, their inspection, testing, packing and dispatching take place again in our company.

Warehouse for aluminum profiles Material cutting

Components welding Components bonding

Assembly of entrance door leaves
for trains
Assembly of entrance door leaves
for trams

Assembly of entrance door mechanisms
for trains
Assembly of interior door mechanisms
for trains

Assembly of entrance door locks
for trains
Assembly of tilting windows
for trains

Renovation of entrance door components for trains

Dispatching of sliding door leaves Dispatching of tilting windows


Tovární 342
742 13

Czech Republic

IČO: 26832135
DIČ: CZ26832135
The company is registered in the trade
register kept by the County Court in
Ostrava, section C, file 27 904

+420 556 400 480
+420 556 400 481